Tuesday, October 30, 2007


I'm going to try and write a novel. My sister talked em into it. If you don't know already, National Write a Novel Month (NaNoWriMo) begins November 1st. As I've forbidden myself from buying new books this year I'm going to use time that would usually be spent reading online or fascinated by a brand new novel working on a mini-novel for NaNoWriMo.

Now the only problem is figuring out characters, plot and not messing up my tenses and getting about 1,667 words per day (a 50,000 word count by the end of it). Wish me luck!

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Time to reinvent this blog...

It's been a long while since I've done anything with this blog so I'm going to try and take about fifteen minutes out of my day once a week to write something...it doesn't matter what.

Before classes started this semester, I began working on a 101 Goals that I want to achieve in life. I plan on letting everyone who watches this blog know what I'm doing. Thus far I only have 58 thus far so if anyone who reads this blog has ideas, please leave a comment suggesting them.

1. Visit the Tropical Rainforest (preferably either the southernmost tip of Costa Rica or the Amazon)
2. Visit Europe
3. Open an outdoor recreational equipment shop or work at a non-profit in a full-time capacity (either in management, marketing or membership)
4. Stay overnight in Yellowstone National Park
5. Go on a week-long backpacking hike
6. Graduate from college with at least a 3.0 GPA
7. Learn and master the requirements to take the cave rescue certification course
8. Get certified for cave rescues
9. Visit New York
10. Visit all of the Smithsonian museums
11. Visit Carlsbad Caverns (in New Mexico)
12. Write a grant
13. Have children
14. Buy a home
15. Decorate said home
16. Get all kids into college (or in decent jobs)
17. Plant and grow peaches and apples
18. Plant and care for a lilac bush
19. Plant a couple of *wild* grape vines
20. Learn to make wine
21. See Kansas City around Christmas time
22. Find a mentor for my business
23. Pull out and play your flute at least once a year (even if it's nothing more than scales) (for five years)
24. Learn to play classical guitar
25. See Mount St. Helens from across the lake
26. Pack out my lunch for at least one month
27. Go on a nice romantic date with John once a month for a year
28. Take a walk along Willamsburg and Jamestown
29. Go see the original Tiki Room in Disneyland.
30. Hike Crater Lake
31. Ride Amtrak
32. Hike/bicycle the whole Katy Trail
33. Go on an all girl-retreat
34. Volunteer one summer at Shannondale
35. Create an expedition first aid kit for the grotto
36. Buy property with a cave entrance on it.
37. Build our buy a mini wine cellar
38. Organize the library
39. Pay off my student loans
40. Volunteer at an archaeological/paleontological dig
41. Visit Las Vegas
42. Ride a gondola with John
43. Hike Machu Picchu
44. Stop buying new/used books or magazines for six months (i.e. 182 days) (will state date that I formally do this here) (exceptions to this will be books needed to research for my major, for cave rescue or starting a business) (DONE!)
45. Stop reading all fan fiction for six months (182 days) (i.e. Stop visiting livejournal.com)
46. Get a 3.125 semester GPA At least one time
47. Put a dollar a day away for a full year (a total of $365 or $366 depending)
48. Find out if there is an Open Office PPT (and download if so)
49. Visit all US National Parks
50. Go to DisneyWorld
51. See “Hurricane on the Bayou”
52. Go for a walk along the Oregon Coast (especially either close to Yaquina Bay or one of the state parks close to Newport, OR)
53. Hike 1 ½ miles per day (average) for one month
54. Go to the rock climbing wall once a week for a month
55. Go on an overnight caving trip
56. Visit a Temperate Rainforest
57. Build (i.e. make or buy) two sets of renaissance garb (one lower nobility and one upper working class)
57. Write a 50,000 word count story
58. Ready 50 books in a year.
59. Learn how to create and build a three-sided log cabin and fireplace
60. Learn dances from the Renaissance Period
61. Create a renaissance character (hopefully a Dance Mistress)