If you remember reading a while back I signed up for a website which allows me too put up a list of books that I own. In addition to the online library they have a program where you can sign up to get free books as long as you write up a review on it. I decided to give it a try and early last week I received my first book to review. It was called "Becky: the loves and life of Becky Thatcher" by Lenore Hart. Here is my thoughts on it. It comes out on the mass market January 8, 2008.
Occasionally there are romances which seem to transcend time. In most stories I’ve read they are always fated to marry. This is the first the echoes the lost and unattainable romance of young love. Becky has in some ways moved on from her wild (for a young girl in the 1800s) activities with Tom, Huck and the Freebooters. Married to Tom’s cousin and with children of her own she tries to be a decent wife but some things of her past always come back, like a bad habit.
The Civil War is taking its toll on the Missourians. With her husband off at war and her father thought of as a Confederate spy (even though he had been one of the first to free his own slaves before the War) she calls on Huck Finn to help her. The first half of the book flips back and forth between the present day Civil War and her past marrying Sid despite her continued love and attraction to Tom.
Becky, Sid, and young Gage find themselves making their way onto Nevada where Sid purchases a claim which hits silver. After things happen a while, Becky and her children travel to San Francisco where she sets herself up in a nice home and raises her children. But when a telegram comes bearing news of her past, what will she do?
This story sets up a feeling of “if you love someone, let them free. If they come back then it’s meant to be.” Back and forth Tom and Becky have a point-counterpoint which is shown in their past history and reaches a sad resolution at the end. I had a hard time setting this story down to study up for finals so I hope you consider picking up this sweet tale of a true love.

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